
Square Controller Squarepants: The Capacitive Touch-Sensing NES Controller - raynorfrossion86

[Credit: Treehouse Projects]

Whether you know it or not, you probably use a capacitive touch screen day-to-day. Smartphones utilize the capacitive touch-sensing engineering science to interact with human skin past even slightest touch, and one gamer wanted to apply the same tech to a gamey controller.

Its creator from Treehouse Projects was kind enough to explain how the form, the hide, and the Arduino microcontroller function as a capacitor, as the project ended up beingness atomic number 3 very much of a learning experience as it was a tech experiment:

"A capacitor consists of cardinal semiconductive 'plates' with a dielectric insulator in the middle and information technology's used in everything from power supplies to radios. [T]he negatively charged home plate is our body (ground), the positively charged single is the link we have with the Arduino, and the dielectric insulator is our skin! Caller, eh?"

And cool IT is! Six aluminum contacts placed in the up, down, socialist, right, A, and B positions of the controller charge the capacitor, translating to on-screen apparent movement in the (also homemade) Spongebob Squarepants halt. Check it down in legal action:

If you are interested in creating your own capacitive twist, Treehouse Projects has careful the entire procedure, from parts to sue, and even outlined the steganography of the fabulously silly jellyfish-netting Spongebob game. Making your own controller has never been so easily!

[Capacitive Touch Sensing Courageous Controller via Hack a Twenty-four hour period]

Francois Jacob Siegal spends a vast majority of his time encircled with and endowed in technology and media, so he decided helium may as well startle writing about them. You can find to a greater extent of his writing at Game Claptrap and his topical tweets @JacobSiegal .

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